Available for Your Conference
Gayle will leave your audience with tools to live a more confident life and motivated to take action!
Life Lessons | Life Lessons
My Signature Story
An energetic babyboomer who chooses to live an authentic life, filled with compassion, happiness and good health. It didn’t start out that way. Conscious choices, that we can all make, will take you down a path of contentment, peace and joy. Lessons learned:
- Focus on what you do want. Not what you don’t want.
- It’s never too late to start.
- Purpose is most important – keep on living with purpose
- Give back – don’t focus on yourself
- Learn to live on less
- Step outside your comfort zone, it gives growth.
- Be open to new ideas, don’t become rigid in your thinking.
Keep learning, always have the inquisitive, learner’s mind.
Don’t place too much importance on material possessions
Keep physically active
Practice moderation
Do not shun adversity, it is an opportunity for growth; without it, there would be no change.
Ayurveda | Yoga & Ayurveda
The Five Elements
People are always seeking to understand our place in the universe. It is a concept of all people shared from all over the world since the beginning of time.
5000 years ago, yogis, ascetics and hermits living in the Himalayan mountains contemplated these questions and have passed down a wealth of knowledge as meaningful today as it was then. Yoga and its sister science Ayurveda, have an abundance of wealth to offer those willing to seek with open minds and hear with accepting hearts, the meaning of life.
Ayurveda | 3 Doshas
Ayurveda and the 3 Doshas
This talk introduces the basic concepts of Ayurveda, the 5000-year-old sister science to Yoga. We’ll explore the concepts of basic constitutions – vita, pitta and kapha – and how to maintain a healthy balance through diet and lifestyle choices in harmony with the cyclical nature of the universe. A balanced constitution is the foundation of optimum health.